Sunview Windows Home Measuring Guide

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Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, and concerns about close contact, some people are apprehensive about having contractors, workers, really ANYBODY in their home. And rightly so, as limiting contact seems to be the best way to slow down, and hopefully stop this disease, at least until the helpful folks at the UofS develop a vaccine!

But self isolating doesn’t mean shutting down the entire world. People still need food, medicine, and a warm bed with a roof over their head. And all of those components need other industries to keep functioning as well.  What I’m trying to say is, don’t let your home fall into disrepair under the guise of “self-isolating”. Famously said by many through history when things looked the most dire; “This too shall pass”.

If you have been thinking about renovating, don’t toss everything aside. Now is the time (especially if you have some spare time) to prepare, so when things turn around you are ready to hit the ground running. A lot of renos can’t start tomorrow, even if you are ready, unless you have prepared and ordered ahead of time.

At Sunview Windows, we custom manufacture our windows in Saskatoon to fit your home, so we are generally looking at ~4 weeks (up to 8 weeks on specialty products) before we can install. Rather than wait for everything to blow over, get a jump on it by getting a quote today. 

Now, I know I said that people are being told to limit contact with others, so Sunview has developed a handy window measuring guide to allow you to start the process in getting your windows replaced. Download the guide, fill out the form, and send it in for your free estimate!  You can also see examples of the types of windows, colours, and options by going to

If you have any questions, we are here to help. Just give us a call at 306-934-2870, or email at

We will get through this. Until then, support local business, the life-blood of our economy, and happy renovating!